D.E.A.R. at the Zoo |
by Janet I. Martineau
From this month through August, the city of Saginaw heats up with more than 130 events taking place at nearly 20 venues -- concerts, jazz festivals, art fairs, cultural celebrations, poetry readings, workshops, films, exhibitions and picnics among them.
And many are free, or with nominal admission prices.
Saginaw Cdelebrates Summer! they are collectively titled, sponsored by a grant from the Hemlock Semiconductor Group and coordinated by the Saginaw Arts and Enrichment Commission.
Below is a list of the events (updated from the one posted online and the one distributed in print form).
Downtown Saginaw Farmers’ Market – 507 Washington at Thompson; Mon, Wed, Fri, 10 am – 3 pm; Sat 9 am – 1 pm beginning July 7.
Temple Theatre Tours – Tuesdays in June, July and August, 2 pm, $2.
Saginaw Art Museum – Macy’s FREE Friday’s. Free Admission every Friday.
Art for All Exhibition Series – Saginaw Art Museum, Exhibit III through July 8, Exhibit IV opens July 20. Admission.
Thrifty Tuesday at the Zoo – Half price admission every Tuesday all summer long.
Everyday Objects of the Chippewa Indians – Castle Museum through July 29. Admission.
Listen to the Mrs: WSGW’s Recipe for Success – Castle Museum through July 29. Admission.
Project 1893: Unearthing the Great Saginaw Fire – Castle Museum through September 29. Admission.
11, 12, 19 Summer Reading KICK-OFF Program: Speed Painting with Martina Hahn – Public Libraries of Saginaw, FREE. Visit www.saginawlibrary.org for a full calendar of events.
6/11: Hoyt – 2:30 pm, Butman-Fish – 7 pm
6/12: Wickes – 4 pm, Zauel – 7 pm,
6/19: Claytor – 1:30 pm
19, 21,
26, 28 Castle Celebrates Culture – Castle Museum, noon. Celebrate a different culture each week, visit http://www.castlemuseum.org for complete list of speakers and activities. Admission; registration required.
20, 23, 24 Michigan Jazz Trail – Find your groove in the Great Lakes Bay Region, Admission. Visit http://www.MichiganJazzTrail.org for ticket information and list of performers.
6/20: Blues on the Bay – Bay City, 3:30 pm
6/23: Jazz on the Green at Dow Gardens/Ramsey Lewis– Midland, 7 pm
6/24: Heart & Soul at TheDow/DeeDee Bridgewater – Saginaw, 3:30 pm
23, 24 Animal Athletes – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 4 pm, Find out how animals measure up against each other, and you! Admission.
12 In a Poet’s Backyard: “Writing About What Matters” Workshop – Roethke House and Yards, 11:30 am – 3:30 pm, $20. Includes tour and lunch from dawn of a new day. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
13 Art & Garden Festival – Andersen Enrichment Center, 10 am – 3 pm, Family gardening fun, demonstrations, art and garden vendors, silent auction, lunch and strawberry shortcake. Free admission.
DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, presented by READ Association, 10 am – 3 pm, Promotes and encourages family reading, every child receives a free book, activities. Admission.
14 American Art History Lecture – Saginaw Art Museum, 5:30 – 7 pm, Admission.
16 KCQ Country Music Fest – Ojibway Island, 9 am – 5 pm, One-day concert showcasing talents of nationally known and up and coming artists, http://www.fm98kcq.com for information. Free.
17 Saginaw Eddy Concert Band – The Grand World Tour with singers Jill Vary and Jim Smerdon, White Pine Middle School. 7 pm, Free.
Father’s Day at the Zoo – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 5 pm. Dads get in free.
18 “My Favorite Dreams are Books” Pajama Party! – Hoyt Library, 2:30
pm. Free.
Butterfly Dreams & Musical Things – Butman-Fish Library, 7pm, Free.
19 Altered Book Art – Wickes Library, 3pm, ages10 – 14, FREE.
20 In a Poet’s Backyard: “Saginaw Community Gardens” talk by Grow Saginaw founder - Roethke House and Yards, 10am - noon, $10. Includes snack. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
21 In a Poet’s Backyard: Paint and Poetry Mural – Roethke House and Yards, 10 am – noon. Help create a 16 foot mural. $10/person or $15/family and includes snack. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
Classic Legacy Band of Saginaw – Andersen Enrichment Center, 7:30
pm. Free.
Fare and Feature Classic Film: “Cover Girl” – Temple Theatre,
12:45pm. Admission.
Dream, Big Bear…Read! Comedy Show – Zauel Library, 3 pm, Free.
Family Night: Tie Dye – Saginaw Art Museum, 5:30 – 6:30 pm, Bring your own item to tie dye. Admission.
22 Great Lakes Bay Train Exhibition – Saginaw Art Museum, through June 29. Admission.
Late Night MMCM – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, 10 am – 8 pm, Leave your cleats at the door, no flags during play, score a goal at the MMCM! Admission.
23 Flower Day – Japanese Cultural Center, Tea House and Gardens, 1 pm. Watch and learn flower arranging.
Animal Athletes – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 4 pm, Taller, faster, stronger, smarter… it’s all about competition. Admission.
24 Saginaw Eddy Concert Band – Director’s Choice, singers Nina Lasceski and Don Gingrich, Ojibway Island, 7 pm. Free.
Lawn Chair Film Festival – Old Saginaw City, corner of Ames & N. Hamilton. “The Descendants” with George Clooney. Bring your own chair, movie starts at dusk. Free.
Animal Athletes – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 4 pm. Taller, faster, stronger, smarter… it’s all about competition. Free.
25 Late Night MMCM – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, 10 am – 8 pm, Admission. Leave your cleats at the door, no flags during play, score a goal at the MMCM. Admission.
26 Teelightful Teens – Claytor Library, 1:30pm. Just for teens. Free.
27 In a Poet’s Backyard: Finding and Shaping Your Narrative Workshop – Roethke House and Yards, 10 am – 12:30 pm, $20. Includes tour and lunch from Crumbs. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
28 In a Poet’s Backyard: “Touching Spirit Bear” discussion of novel and recent Great Lakes Bay Great Read Project, witht Rob Joslyn – Roethke House and Yards, 4 – 5 pm, $10/person or $15/family. Includes tour, lemonade and cookies. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
30 Saginaw Eddy Band Concert – Patriotic Passion at the Zoo at Celebration Square, singers Hillary Huebler and Adam Rongo. 7 pm. Free.
Baby Doll Birthday Party with Music for Munchkins – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, 1:30 – 3 pm. Fee includes activities, refreshments and museum admission. Call for reservations.
3, 5, 10, 12
17, 19, 24,
26, 31 Castle Celebrates Culture – Castle Museum, noon. Celebrate a different culture each week, visit http://www.castlemuseum.org for complete list of speakers and activities. Free. with admission, must register.
16, 17, 19 Drummunity: Rhythm and Drums – Public Libraries of Saginaw. Free.
7/16: Hoyt – 2:30 pm, Butman-Fish – 7 pm
7/17: Claytor – 11 am, Wickes – 4 pm,
7/19: Zauel – 3 pm
1 Lawn Chair Film Festival – Old Saginaw City, corner of Ames & N. Hamilton. Oscar-winning silent “The Artist.” Bring your own chair, movie starts at dusk, Free/
4 Saginaw Area Fireworks – Viewing surrounding Ojibway Island at dusk.
7 Tanabata (Star Festival) – Japanese Cultural Center, Tea House and
Gardens, 1pm. Admission.
Dr. Slime! – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, Admission. Call for reservations and time of program.
8 Lawn Chair Film Festival – Old Saginaw City, corner of Ames & N. Hamilton. “Submarine.” Bring your own chair, movie starts at dusk. Free.
9 Animal Dreams with Classroom Critters – Hoyt Library, 2:30 pm. Free.
10 Fun on the Farm – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 2 pm, . Learn how our food and more comes from plants and animals down on the farm. Admission.
Joel Tracey’s Magic Workshop – Claytor Library, 1:30 pm. Free.
11 Jazz in the Garden, New Reformation Band – Andersen Enrichment
Center, 7 pm. Bring your own chair. Free.
14 Formal Japanese Tea Ceremony – Japanese Cultural Center, Tea House and Gardens, 2 pm, $8, reservations required.
13 PRIDE Friday Night Live, Classic Rock – Morley Plaza, 5:30 – 9 pm. Free.
14 Reptile Slither – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 5 pm, Creeping and crawling critters, special shows and programs. Admission.
15 Lawn Chair Film Festival – Old Saginaw City, corner of Ames & N. Hamilton. Woody Allen’s “Midnight in Paris.” Bring your own chair, movie starts at dusk. Free.
15 Saginaw Eddy Concert Band – One Word Wonders, singers Kathleen Scott and Dave Tagget. Ojibway Island, 7 pm. Free.
17 In a Poet’s Backyard: Party at the Zoo – Zoo at Celebration Square, 2 – 3 pm. Poetry reading, games and animal crackers. Admission.
18 Jazz in the Garden, Brush Street featuring Julie Mulady – Andersen Enrichment Center, 7 pm, Bring your own chair. Free.
19 Classic Legacy Band of Saginaw – Andersen Enrichment Center, 7:30 pm. Free.
Music in the Park – Borchard Park corner of Michigan Ave and Court St, Saginaw, 6 – 8 pm. Bring your own chair. Free..
Big Blow Out Party! – Wickes Library, 4 pm,. Celebrate the end of Summer Reading Program. Free.
American Art History Lecture – Saginaw Art Museum, 5:30 – 7 pm, Admission.
20 PRIDE Friday Night Live, Country – Morley Plaza, 5:30 – 9 pm. Free.
After Hours @ the Museum – Saginaw Art Museum, 5 – 8 pm. Art, music and garden walk. Free,
21 Birds, Bugs, Butterflies & Blooms – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 5 pm. Garden day at the Zoo with special presentations and activities. Admission.
Ice Cream Social – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, 10 am – 5 pm, Music, ice cream, games and crafts. Admission.
Bingo and Ice Cream Social – Zauel Library, 2 pm, under 7 need a helper. Free.
22 Saginaw Eddy Concert Band – Oldies Night, singers Peggy Knutson and Keith Kidder, Ojibway Island, 7 pm. Free.
Lawn Chair Film Festival – Old Saginaw City, corner of Ames & N. Hamilton. “Casablanca” with Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart. Bring your own chair, movie starts at dusk, free
Old Town Motorfest – Old Town Saginaw, 10 am – 4 pm. Cars, food and fun. Free.
24 Ice Cream Zoofari – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 6 – 8 pm. Make your own all-you-can-eat ice cream sundae. Ticket price includes Zoo admission, ice cream, train and carousel ride. $7 in advance, $9 at gate.
In a Poet’s Backyard: Roethke’s Letters From Home, read by members of the River Junction Poets – Roethke House and Yards, 7 – 8 pm, $10. Includes dessert from The Savoy. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
Beads of the World: Friendship Bracelets – Claytor Library, 1:30 pm, Free.
25 Jazz in the Garden, DJAM Band – Andersen Enrichment Center, 7pm. Bring your own chair. Free.
26 Family Night: Clay Sculptures – Saginaw Art Museum, 5:30 – 6:30 pm, Admission.
In a Poet’s Backyard: Celebrate Birthday Memories and Stories With Storyteller Alfreda Harris – Roethke House and Yards, 7 – 8:30 pm, $10/person or $15/family. Includes tour, birthday cake and ice cream. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
27 PRIDE Friday Night Live, Latin – Morley Plaza, 5:30 – 9 pm. Free.
28 Summer Olympics at the MMCM – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, 10 am – 5 pm.Games to test your agility, brain power and other surprises. Admission.
29 Saginaw Eddy Concert Band – Summer Sizzlers, singers Lora and Dave Keenan, Ojibway Island, 7 pm, Free.
Lawn Chair Film Festival – Old Saginaw City, corner of Ames & N. Hamilton. “The Muppets.” Bring your own chair, movie starts at dusk. Free.
31 In a Poet’s Backyard: Roethke Readers Theater, with participants taking parts and reading from a script about Roethke’s life – Roethke House and Yards, 6 – 7:30 pm, $20. Includes dinner from Sullivans, Call 989.928.0430 to register.
August :
2, 7, 9,
14, 16 Castle Celebrates Culture – Castle Museum, noon. Celebrate a different culture each week, visit http://www.castlemuseum.org for complete list of speakers and activities. Free with museum admission; registration required.
10, 11, 12 Saginaw African Cultural Festival – Morley School Park, 2601 Lapeer St., Saginaw. Food, fun, entertainment and fellowship.
1 Jazz in the Garden, Saucecats – Andersen Enrichment Center, 7pm. Bring your own chair. Free.
In a Poet’s Backyard: Theodore Roethke’s Death Day – Oakwood Cemetery, 7 – 8 pm,. Candle light walk to commemorate the poet’s life. Free.
2 Music in the Park – Borchard Park corner of Michigan Ave and Court St., Saginaw, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm.Bring your own chair. Free.
3 PRIDE Friday Night Live, Swing – Morley Plaza, 5:30 – 9 pm. Free.
5 Saginaw Eddy Concert Band – Exciting Entertainment, singers Becky Moore and Tony Serra, White Pine Middle School, 7 pm. Free.
7 Tri-City Carvers Show – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 10 am – 3 pm. Woodcarving display and demonstrations. Admission.
Egg Roll Demonstration with Ming the Magnificent – Claytor Library, 1:30 pm. Free.
9 American Art History Lecture – Saginaw Art Museum, 5:30 – 7 pm, Admission.
10 PRIDE Friday Night Live, Variety Night – Morley Plaza, 5:30 – 9 pm. Free.
11 Formal Japanese Tea Ceremony – Japanese Cultural Center, Tea House and Gardens, 2 pm, $8, reservations required.
Bite Me! Mosquito Day – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, 10 am – 5 pm. Saginaw County Mosquito Abatement Commission will be on hand to educate and demonstrate. Admission.
13 Dream Big Back to School Bingo – Butman-Fish Library, 3 pm, under 7 needs a helper. Play card bingo to win school supplies. Free.
15 Pancake Supper – Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square, 5:30 – 8 pm.
Enjoy an all-you-can-eat pancake supper. Ticket price includes Zoo admission, supper, train and carousel ride. $7 in advance, $9 at gate.
16 Music in the Park – Borchard Park corner of Michigan Ave and Court St,.Saginaw, 6 – 8 pm. Bring your own chair. Free.
Classic Legacy Band of Saginaw – Andersen Enrichment Center, 7 pm. Free.
Family Night: Painted Picasso Faces – Saginaw Art Museum, 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Admission.
17 PRIDE Friday Night Live, Motown – Morley Plaza, 5:30 – 9 pm. Free.
18 Origami Workshop – Japanese Cultural Center, 1pm. Admission.
22 In a Poet’s Backyard: “Creatives Conquered and Conquering, From Michigan to Memphis” with Mike Mosher – Roethke House and Yards, 5:30 - 8 pm, $20. Includes tour and dinner from Sullivans. Call 989.928.0430 to register.
25 Saginaw Wonderfest – Ojibway Island, noon – 6 pm. Entertainment, food and fun at the region’s first multi-cultural, family friendly celebration. Free.
MMCM Fest! – Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, 10 am – 5 pm, Celebrate summer’s end with live music, face painting, bounce house, games and more. Admission.
30 Music in the Park – Borchard Park corner of Michigan Ave. and Court Sy., Saginaw, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Bring your own chair. Free..